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ORAPC NNADAP Worker Guidebook 2011

This guidebook has been made possible through the collaboration of the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee (ORAPC), First Nation Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) and the Chiefs of Ontario.   Funding was received from First Nations and Inuit Health Branch to complete this project.


This guidebook has been designed for use as a resource document to assist NNADAP workers. The content is a series of recommended processes and practices intended to guide the NNADAP worker in their delivery of services, programs and referrals. This document at no time replaces or super cedes any policies, practices or procedures used by any of the First Nations, Treatment Centres, FNIHB or any other agency; but rather to offer assistance to NNADAP workers in future planning and implementation; as well as continuity, as a reference tool.


ORAPC would like to acknowledge the work, sharing, support and commitment of the working committee for this project.  A special thank you to Shirley Mandoshkin, Union of Ontario Indians representative; Patricia Sword, Southern Independent First Nation (SIFN)representative; Valerie D. George, Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians representative; Clovis Meekis, Nishnawbe Aski Nation representative, Yvonne Wright, Host agency representative (SIFN) and Nora Bressette, ORAPC Coordinator for their expertise in completing this project.

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